Pho Anh Restaurant Rebrand

Pho Anh Restaurant
Pho Anh is a Vietnamese restaurant located in Mankato, Minnesota. Pho Anh was founded in early 2017 as a family owned business. It serves a wide variety of authentic Vietnamese and Asian dishes.
The new look for Pho Anh will approach the modern appearance to balance the traditional style and casual look of the typical Asian American restaurant. The goal of the rebranding is to distinguish the brand from other Asian restaurants, and adapt a modern western-style format while preserving the original authenticity.

The visual system for Pho Anh restaurant was inspired by veracious ​Vietnamese culture and history. The logo mark and logotype mimic and the structure of "Chu Nom"—a logographic writing system formerly used to write the Vietnamese language. The circular design element is the illustration of the "Dong Son drum"—an important national symbol created by the ancestors of the Vietnamese.


Brand Identity